Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) - Libertarian physicians’ organization. AAPS’s director, Jane Orient has become an outspoken critic of a number of vaccines and of vaccine policy. The AAPS website features articles on vaccination by mathmetician Roger Schlafly and antivaccine M.D. Harold Buttram as well as a link to Barbara Fisher’s National Vaccine Information Center. |
Dan Burton - U.S. Congressman from Indiana. Chairs the House Government Re- form Committee, which has held a number of hearings on vaccine issues in the 106th Congress. |
Harold Buttram - Antivaccine doctor from Quakertown, PA. Operates an alternative medicine clinic. Serves on the Scientific Board of the Autism Autoimmune Project (AAP), a parents’ organization. |
Barthelow Classen - Maryland doctor, president and sole employee of Classen Immunotherapies. Testified at May, 1999 Congressional hearings that CDC data supports a causal link between the timing of Hepatitis B vaccination and Type I diabetes. According to an article by Alan Dove in Nature Medicine, 5 (9) Sept 1999, p. 970, Classen owns patents on several vaccine testing protocols which would likely be required if legislators are persuaded to accept his interpretation of the data. A speaker at NVIC’s 2000 conference, Classen appeared at NVIC press conference after testifying at a May 18, 1999 Congressional hearing. A Medline search on July 1, 2000 yielded no publications on the subject of vaccines by Dr. Classen. |
Harris Coulter - Medical historian who promotes homeopathy, a pseudomedical practice which holds the incorrect notion that substances have a stronger effect on the body as they are made more dilute. Author of numerous antivaccine books, including “Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality, The Assault on the American Brain” in which he states, “A large proportion of the millions of US children suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and other shoots and branches of the hydraheaded entity called ‘developmental disabilities,’ owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.” This book is offered for sale on the NVIC web site. Coulter coauthored a book called “DPT: A Shot in the Dark” with NVIC’s Barbara Fisher in 1991. |
Bonnie Dunbar - Contraceptive vaccine researcher from Baylor who has become an outspoken critic of the Hepatitis B vaccine after she claims her brother and an acquaintance suffered serious side effects. Appeared at an NVIC press conference on May 18, 1999. Dunbar was a speaker at the NVIC 2000 Conference on Vaccination. |
Eagle Forum - Conservative women’s group which primarily focuses on education issues. Eagle Forum’s founder, Phyllis Schlafly, has recently become a critic of vaccines and vaccine policy. Eagle Forum lobbies for the philosophical exemption and against adding new vaccines to the immunization schedule. |
Shot ... or not? |
Part 3 |
Glossary of Individuals and Groups Frequently Encountered in Discussions of Opposition to Vaccines and / or Vaccine Policy |
by Cindy Province, RN, MSN |
next> |